

The Waste Transfer Station at Irvine has been subject to a substantial upgrade and expansion over the past year to accommodate a higher number of employees and to enable the facility to handle more material. A new car park has been built to service the plant and a major part of the refurbishment was the upgrade of the lighting within the main building.

The original highbay lighting in the transfer station utilised High Pressure Sodium lamps with poor colour rendering and over time the original spun aluminium reflectors had scratched and degraded resulting in reduced luminaire performance. The lighting had become unfit for the task at hand and M and E Consultants Hulley and Kirkwood called upon Holophane to help find a solution.

The Solution


The decision was made to specify the luminaire with a high output 148W LED array. Due to the use of top quality LED technology an LED life of up to 60,000 hours is expected with an 8% loss in light output. The luminaire also has advanced optics to achieve the high level of vertical illumination needed on the side of the machines for repair and maintenance tasks as well as reducing glare to the operators to a minimum. A highly efficient internal reflector system ensures that the light emitted is directed to the working plane ticking the box for energy efficiency too. The total load for the scheme is 3996W as opposed to 7425W had a 250W Metal Halide highbay luminaire been installed to achieve the same 150 Lux average.

The car park features sleek and slim Holophane Factor luminaires with LED source to provide a safe 30 Lux average with low glare and high levels of uniformity. The crisp white light from the Factor LED luminaires provide an impressive clarity to the lighting and the visual acuity is very good especially when compared to conventional High Pressure Sodium lighting usually associated with industrial areas and car parks.

The staff at the waste transfer station are highly impressed with their new lighting and were full of praise for the improved working environment directly due to the new luminaires. The long winter hours will feel that much lighter and brighter in the future!